Describe the technology behind your DER.

Select the type of technology that will power your DER and indicate if it is compatible with certified protection equipment.

List the manufacturer and model of the DER.
This may seem redundant to what you already provided but these input boxes are also looking for specific model number and version if you have those specifics.

List what points can be modified for the protection equipment.
Some Examples include:

Provide the Nameplate ratings.
Include kWac and kVAac for both the summer and winter ratings.

Provide the Rated Power Factor for the DER system.
You can submit the application if you do not have the load flow data sheet at this time, but will be asked to provide it later.

Save & Continue: Upload Documents (blue star)

OR if the proposed DER is > 40kW or the utility is using the extended version of the application:

Save & Continue: DER Characteristic Data (blue star)

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