Outage Summary Report

Run an outage statistic report for a period of time.

Step-by-step guide

From the main PYXIS window click on the Reporting menu > Statistics

  1. PYXIS > Reporting > Statistics
  2. Select the Start and End Dates for the reporting Time Span you want to run
  3. If you want to run a summary based on a specific Equipment Code, check the box and select the equipment from the dropdown:
    1. Otherwise do NOT check the box if you want the summary to include all Equipment
  4. Click the Get Data button

    1. This will populate the data for the report based on your selections
    2. If you remove the checkbox next to any of the Cause Codes, the statistics data in the grid at the bottom will automatically update accordingly
  5. To produce a report with a chart, now click the Show Report button

    1. This opens the Report Viewer displaying a chart and a table of the outage summary statistic data












STAR Energy Services LLC